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JustAce - Educational AI Chatbot

Team members

Praveen s/o Rajesh (ESD), Tan Peck Kee (ESD), Max Koh Junran (ESD), Victoria Elizabeth Yong Shu Qi (ISTD), Carey Lai Zheng Hui (ISTD)


Matthieu De Mari, Yue Mu

Writing Instructors:

Rashmi Kumar

Teaching Assistant:

Du Zongyang

Our Impact


Problem Statement:

JustAce discovered that parents wanted to be more involved in their children’s education, but were constrained by time and confidence in their tutoring abilities.

In our surveys, 60% of parents indicated a strong interest in tutoring their children. However, only 22% of those parents actually engaged in tutoring sessions with their children. The remaining parents faced several barriers, such as having a busy work schedule, or struggling to understand the educational syllabus.

Project Objective:

JustAce seeks to create a solution to meet the following goals of parents and children:

Parents want to be involved in the educational journey of their children by:

parent goals

Students want to maximise the productivity of their study sessions by:

student goals

Our Solution:

JustAce proposes building a web application with 2 main features to meet the parent and student goals. Compared to a mobile app, a web app is easier to scale across different platforms (i.e., iOS, Android, Windows) and reach a larger number of users.

Feature 1: SnapLearn

In SnapLearn, users can send our chatbot a photo of their math question and quickly receive help materials that are relevant to their syllabus to aid in solving the question.

Parents can use SnapLearn as a teaching aid in tutoring sessions, while students can use it have more productive study sessions

snaplearn screenshot

Objectives achieved by SnapLearn:

  • Shortens the problem-solving process for both parents and students
  • Obtain fast and relevant help at any time of the day
  • Provides relevant materials of varying difficulty to suit student’s ability
  • Provides options for video materials to aid visual learners


How does it work?

poster stuff 4x

Feature 2: Progress Assistant

Progress Assistant keeps track of the learning progress of a student across various topics and recommends educational content to the student.

Parents can stay informed on the progress of their children across different topics and subjects. Students can better decide how to split their time across different topics and subjects.

pa screenshot

Objectives achieved by Progress Assistant:

  • Optimizes the study schedules of students
  • Parents can track their child’s progress and intervene where necessary
  • Difficulty of content personalized to learning ability of each child






1. When a user sends us an image of a question, it goes to our domain - - before reaching the backend endpoint. 

2. At the backend, the text in the image is first transcribed by MathPix, an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) service, before it is passed onto our neural network.

3. At this stage, the text is encoded for processing by a pre-trained MathBERT model, before it passes through our PyTorch model for categorization.

4. Once the model provides predicted topics as an output, those topics are used to lookup the relevant materials from our database, which are then returned to the user.


The entire application is hosted on DigitalOcean, which is ideal for prototyping of smaller projects, such as JustAce.


student Praveen s/o Rajesh Engineering Systems and Design
student Tan Peck Kee Engineering Systems and Design
student Max Koh Junran Engineering Systems and Design
student Victoria Elizabeth Yong Shu Qi Information Systems Technology and Design
student Carey Lai Zheng Hui Information Systems Technology and Design
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