Team members
Lee Min Shuen (ESD), Samuel Sim Wei Xuan (ESD), Jia Shuyi (ISTD), Shoham Chakraborty (ISTD), Qiao Yingjie (ISTD)
Kenny Choo, Karthik Balkrishnan
Writing Instructors:
Rashmi Kumar
Teaching Assistant:
Perry Lam
Instead of improving the model architectures, we should aim to improve the quality of our input data.
Synthetic data has the unparalleled edge over real data: they are cheaper, of higher quality, accurately labelled and pixel-perfect.
Synthetic data have achieved parallel—if not better—performance as compared to real datasets.
Bifrost’s high quality, pixel-perfect synthetic data can unleash the potential of data-centric AI.
Long and slow workflow
Varied client requirements
Lack of satisfactory demo
Lee Min Shuen
Engineering Systems and Design
Samuel Sim Wei Xuan
Jia Shuyi
Information Systems Technology and Design
Shoham Chakraborty
Qiao Yingjie
© 2022 SUTD